Jeff Rowe – Fire Chief in Kennebunk

Jeff Rowe in his firefighting gear before becoming cheif and in his uniform as Kennebunks fire chief 2021

11 years ago I asked the Sanford assistant fire chief to sit for me so I could create a portrait that another photographer showed me how to do. Today we talked about his life, career and the Kennebunk Fire Department. I am happy to say he did not disappoint this time either. I learned more about my friend and town fire department than I expected. So sit back and enjoy my talk with Chief Jeff Rowe.

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Bill Gallant – Mail-it Unlimited

Meet Bill Gallant owner of Mail-it Unlimited located in Shoppers Village Kennebunk, just off Route One. Like with all of my guests so far, he is more than the Business he runs. We talk about things he has done and how Mail-it became a business of note in Kennebunk. As an additional note, Bill did not mention it, but along with his degree in micro biology he has a masters in business administration.

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Journalist Shelley Wigglesworth

Shelley has lived in Kennebunk all of her life and has seen the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. In this podcast we talk about how she became an award winning journalist, and an advocate for the town folk and commercial fishing. In her articles she discusses many issues, telling the stories and successes of people who make up our community in the Kennebunks.

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Police Chief Bob Mackenzie of Kennebunk

Robert Mackenzie, the man behind the badge

A great conversation with Chief Mackenzie about how he got started, his philosophies on police work, presidential protection, all the way up to his latest initiative regarding Substance Abuse Disorders.

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